US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Yeah but Iā€™m wondering what way hell spin it himself

Rotten bitch, kicking a man fighting a harmless virus.


He doesnā€™t need to spin IMO. He is the only news story because of this.

The DemocRats will need to ease up on the negative ads, and the Fake News media will need to lay off because it would not play well with the public

Depends on the outcome. If he recovers quickly he will
use it as a position of strength and supports the view that people canā€™t allow the virus win. If he is out of action for an extended period or dies then he loses that argument.



Heā€™s dead you simpleton


Sheā€™s a cracker.

She can even wear her mask if she insists.

Trumps record on not jumping into new wars stands up in fairness.

He deserves credit for that and I was glad in 2016 that Hillary didnt get the gig to be honest for that reason alone as she seemed intent on inflaming Russian relations.

In terms of this election, I donā€™t know, Biden as a candidate is terrible really.

Maybe democracy itself has been found out.

As presidents go Trump was fine in all fairness. He achieved many things, the biggest of which, incidental as it was, is that an alternative is very much required to the 2 party system in the USA if itā€™s ever going to survive

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More breaking CNN newsā€¦ Donald Trump, a 74 year old overweight man, is possibly sicker than Melania trump, a 54 year old not overweight woman.

Donā€™t think he killed as many people in drone strikes as Obama either - even over one Obama term,

Open to correction on that, believe it to be true though.

Not a fan, but, Definitely thought he was the lesser of two evils 4 years ago.

He looks fairly shook alright but I reckon heā€™ll live

Whether you think Bernie is an unelectable communist or not most of what he says here is spot on

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His overt racism and dog whistling fucked him in the eyes of decent people in the end. You cannot blame him for identity politics in itself, things were going that way anyway in a high tech, increasingly atomized world let alone, political landscape. He did however allow himself to just proudly became the poster boy for it. Even with the highspeed regression all that entails, a greater president man might have done his or her upmost to pull people back from the brink as opposed to wilfully aggravagate it. Fundamentally thats what Trump will be ever remembered for, creating division wherever and however he could.


He had no background in politics or even in a public company, all his life was in private companies that he owned, which tends to produce the worst cunts imaginable. He just couldnā€™t rein it in, and control himself like a politician would even when they are lying through their teeth, which is most of the time.

I think some of the issues he identified like the exodus of the manufacturing sector was valid, but neither party want that addressed as thatā€™s who bankrolls them individually and as a party. Multinationals control everything which is the root of the 2 party system, which will never change imo.

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I dont want Trump to croak it before the election because the conspiracy theorists would be fucking insufferable for the next 50 years. Also I have a lot of money on Trump to.ginish his first term @1/2, which I though was free money at the time and Iā€™d be sickened if he croaks it with just a month to go.

Ideal scenario is if he is still in hospital, barely alive on election night or if he comes out too shattered to even chase after Biden properly in the debates.

By far the most likely scenario is he brushes it off, because it has a very low fatality rate and gives a live address to the nation saying ā€œFolks Iā€™ve had the coronavirus - not a serious virus, not serious at all. Dont worry about coronavirus, itā€™s nothing. And we have the greatest experimental cures. I know, I knkw more bout the cures than anyone. Theyā€™re 100% effective.ā€

That would be so funny thay even though I hate him, I nearly hope that happens (which is probably will).


In other news, Covid19 is a complete 100% cod. Not a single person in Krakow wearing a mask. Just back from a very crowded jazz bar where absolutely no-one was wearing a mask or socially distancing. Live music playing. The centre of Krakow is buzzing. No-one gives a fuck, no-one is sick. Itā€™s all a lie. I might move here. @balbec it would be very hard for you to imagine what Ireland is like at the moment, its a completely different planet.