US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Where were you Harrisā€™ ?

Iā€™ll be down in Kazimierz tomorrow night. Wearing the Limerick training top.


Hope you had good crack. Iā€™m moving there as well, fuck Ireland that was a bad idea. Do you need to speak Polish @balbec or will distinguished faux mid Atlantic English do?

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Whatever the jazz bar just around the corner from the really tall church in the main square is.

Everyone speaks English. Even my sonā€™s English teacher in school can pick his Limerick accent.


Never knew Kimberleyā€™s father was an Ennis man, or that she studied in TCD.

Trump has developed shortness of breath, RIP.

KellyAnn has the killer virus now too.

A good shot of the #bekind crew were out in force on Twitter last night wishing death on an old man


the same folk who cry for far left values and shove it down your throat like nazis and propaganda?

CNN reveling in it. ā€œItā€™s his own faultā€ etc.

These are the same shower that lecture people on victim blaming. Hopefully thereā€™s consistency and they inform everybody out there that caught the virus that theyā€™ve only themselves to blame


I think itā€™s funnier the people pretending to wish him well. The mans an absolute cunt and a dangerous cunt at that. Heā€™s provided us with great entertainment the last few years. But heā€™d hardly be a loss. Chy-na always wins in the end


Heā€™ll be like Jesus Christ rising from his death bed to win the election.

He is a cunt but in many ways he is probably ( based on last few years ) the least dangerous cunt to be POTUS .

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How the fuck do you make that out??

He is one of the cohort that thinks trump only says and does things for the craic and as POTUS doesnā€™t have a position of power to influence people.

Itā€™s the same line of defence these lads use for boris johnson. Yerra heā€™s only harmless auld eejit


Americaā€™s on fire and heā€™s fucking oil at the problem, but yeah not dangerous at all.

Trump must be in a bad way if they using experimental drugs on him.