US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Nothing they tried was working. They knew the country would open back up anyway regardless of what they said, so masks were the compromise.

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At this point whatever mayhem and damage Trump and co aspire to, is certainly no worse than NPHET and co believe they are entitled to

How many different militias are on the go now? I see there was an all black one parading in Louisiana yesterday ā€¦

Tapper is a lefty liberal cuck who should read the constitooshun or something.

Kayleigh has fallen :cry:

The White House is riddled. They need to give the place good scouring with Dettol.

I notice that sneaky cunt Biden is down in Florida campaigning, while the Don is locked up in hospital. Shouldnā€™t he kick the ball out of play while thereā€™s a man down injured. Very unsportsmanlike.

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Is there any debate as to whether there is actually anything wrong with the cunt?

There are conspiracy theories from the likes of Michael Moore and other leftist nutters that Trump is faking it to get sympathy and show how strong he is by recovering quickly. I would say thatā€™s unlikely as 1) he looked very sick Friday and Saturday, 2) thereā€™s a few dozen at the WH including reporters who have come down with it, and 3) if it were true a load of doctors including doctors at Walter Reed would have to be in on it and lying.

I think youā€™d need to be a bit of a nutter to believe he is faking it.

Not a great look to get sick with a fake virus either.
Best case scenario for democrats here is he recovers but gets fairly sick, but not too bad. If heā€™s very bad heā€™ll be elected from his hospital bed, if he gets better no bother heā€™ll be calling the whole thing a cod again


By God, heā€™s some man for one man in fairness


What a hoaxā€¦

I am voting for Trump. Fuck these cunts and their Covid bullshite


A stallion.


Best case scenario for Democrats would be if he kicked the bucket. Worst case is he is back on the trail by the end of this week, telling everyone we have the best drugs and Covid is no big deal (see tweet above) and Democrats have to counter that with Covid is lethal and we all need to stay under the bed.

Trump died 2 days ago

Trump has made clean shit of this virus.