US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Lap of honour.

Nice jeep. @carryharry what are we talking here?

Lincoln Navigator or similar

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Hermetically sealed against gas attacks :man_shrugging:t2:

What about the poor cunts that have
to drive him around ?

I also saw he popped into the cockpit of the helicopter to thank the pilots who brought him to hospital :grinning:

Never anything wrong with him

They’re wearing N95 masks. Make up your mind, masks either work or they don’t.

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I’d say there’s a good likelihood he will hold a rally before the end of the week.

CNN are Seething :joy:

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Ana Cabrera is having a mental breakdown.

She pulled the plug :joy: that’s the second time this week. Journalism at its finest.

The extreme left journos are very sensitive.

Kaitlin Collins, Ana Cabrera and Brian Skelter seem to be all freaking out.

Mission Accomplished for tonight Mr President.

Masks are not effective now according to CNN, N95 masks especially as the virus can squirm through in the gap between the mask and your face. After screaming at everyone for the past few months for not wearing a rag around their face.


I am considering declaring my allegience to Trump after NPHETs recommendation there tonight

A hasty move, at least wait until he dies or not. The next few days are critical.

We need a world leader with the balls to tell NPHET to go fuck themselves


Welcome aboard

Fauci etc called it correctly back in March when they said masks were not effective.

I’d love to know what changed.

I am slowly coming to the conclusion that the Rose garden event was a Covid party. It’s just too obvious, they all were in on it, and all decided it was worth taking the risk. It could turn out to be the greatest stroke in US politics. Stroke Trump he shall be called.

The lines are drawn now, Trump will speak to the nation this week and tell everyone he has figured out from personal experience how to defeat the virus, putting his life on the line in the process.