US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

What a man lads :smile:

Dont know how reliable this crowd are but seems to be a sea change based on what has gone before in the last few months.

Edit: just seen some more polls that have the gap as anything from 5-9% nationally.

We’re going to win mate, calm yourself before the storm

I hope Twitter are consistent and block anyone trying to share that “private information”

O’Bama firing a few scuds here @Tierneevin1979

‘I paid more taxes one year dispencing Ice creams’ :smile:

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Ex president shouldn’t be stumping for a candidate, no class, sad, lock him up.

Obama at his best here

It took him long enough, is he doing it because he thinks Biden is a shoe in or thinks the race might be close? It’s going to be proper nasty tomorrow night.

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Whats tomorrow night?

Third (second) debate.

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Ah lovely

The moderator has a mute switch for Trump’s mike.

Difficult to see any way back for the Don after Obamas utter evisceration here tonight

Agreed, the only thing that would save Don now is if Biden does a Jeffrey Toobin on camera.

Are you fired up?
Are you ready to go?
I love you Philidelphia

Is there anything to be said for biden in the middle of all this?

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