US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Very happy with that first segment from President Trump

Format is working great so far. Don will surely test it by the end

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This millionaires debate not hitting home for Trump if thats all he’s got

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Both being so sensitive to their finances is telling, that is what is what the voters ears are attuned to here

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Smart man prepays his taxes :laughing:

Joe strong on what he’d do with the Chinese there.

Joe’s plan is to have a plan.
Don gets treated badly by the irs
Who are these people?

Trump could do with a water break here

Nice to see estranged poster @Malarkey get a mention on the big stage there

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Christ lads, this isn’t going well for Don

Very tame, Trump doing his best to try and come across presidential, Biden doing better on that front depite himself. The oligarchs are having a party

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Biden beating Trump at his own game here

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Biden clearly a bit slow but easy winner tonight in a fair debate v Trump.
Says it all really

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A remarkably restrained Trump and overall a bit underwhelming. Won’t have persuaded any undecideds.

The fight is gone out of Don alas


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Who won lads?


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I thought melanya broke all the jina

Biden won comfortably

Trump looks to have thrown in the towel. Two very underwhelming candidates in fairness. On the face of it a Biden win is probably the best outcome. Hopefully restore some semblance of normality to things over there.