US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Heā€™s a symptom of a bigger problem. People are sick and tired of the corruption and lip service from Washington, Congress had and probably still has an approval rating of 20%. Heā€™s a nasty cunt but it tells you something when he has such support, itā€™s basically a reflection of how much politicians are hated.


Hard to know what the future will be. Biden is a nothing politician and seems to be an unsavory character. Harris knows nothing and cares less, Nancy is a callous opportunist and the rising star of the democratic party claims that her own moral superiority is more important than truth. I suppose the system has been restored, it will continue to serve one powerful lobby or another while the media has given up any pretence of acting as a guardian. Itā€™s fascinating to watch.

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Politicians were hated long before Trump and will be long after. He does represent the predominance of brand esposure/ name recognition in a multi media world. Unless things calm down a little after heā€™s gone the world could well be in for an extended run of modern day Demigods and tyrants as opposed to career type politicians. Hard to know which is worse

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Heā€™ll be remembered as the greatest internettor of all time.

Trumpā€™s victory in the last election put a spanner in the District of Columbia system. Hillary was lined up to sign a raft of ā€˜special interestā€™ legislation. Trumpā€™s election made shit of the modern legislative machine, as none of the legislation aligned with his ā€œAmerica firstā€ policy.

So what happened?
Trump signed a load of his own ā€˜special interestā€™ legislation. And reduced corporation tax by billions. And grifted the fuck out of every deal possible.

I see the dog ate all Tuckers damning Hinter Biden evidence :rofl:


Damn. If only they had made some copys :rage:.


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Spot on and the world would have been a much better place if the dems and media focused on this rather than the losing of the 16 election for 3 years. With Biden they are just going back and hoping nobody notices


Stephen Miller has obviously beaten the covid

Lots of stores here in New York putting up plywood on the windows and doors in preparation for riots after the election Tuesday, itā€™s a mad country in fairness

President Trump is on his third rally of the day in Pennsylvania at the moment.

Huge crowds, huge enthusiasm. The Trump campaign seems to think that winning Pennsylvania is the key to 4 more years.

What a speech. Iā€™m voting Trump after that.
What a man.

The amount of money spent on these campaigns is absolutely obscene. Approximately 3bn between the 2 candidates.

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Kamala being shown the door in Texas

Rednecks in pickups. What would you expect?

Was it the Napoli fans who did something similar for liverpoolā€¦but with scooters!

This could get embarrassing for President Trump.