US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Whereā€™s Joyja?

He is very concerned that Biden beat Obama in swing states

I thought 110% was a superb turnout, 300% was just magnificent

Falling apart now

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Headlineā€™s misleading. He may have spent it but it wasnā€™t his money. Total fraud

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Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8m voting cards of which 1.4m were returned. The count however shows 2.8m votes by mail. Itā€™s a con

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I googled trump there. Rudy has covid, some county has cracked the dominion algorithm, some other county canā€™t produce the ballots to allow a recountā€¦ itā€™s clane mental.

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Think we should buy the rights to the movie. Iā€™ll go halves with you

Good idea, Iā€™ll be hiring/auditioning the actresses btw



They released the crack hen alright

Wow, puts things in perspective

Edit: then I read the Twitter responses and am ambivalent again.

6,600 Americans died on D-Day. 51,000 soldiers died over 3 days at Gettysburg.

Edit - sorry, Iā€™m wrong, It seems that not every casualty at Gettysburg died on the day - only 3,150 Union soldiers were killed during the battle, I donā€™t know how many Confederates or how many died afterwards.

Also on D-Day not all of those 6,600 died on the day.