US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

90,000 likes for that Tweet. I need to start a Twitter account and just start making up complete shit, you’d be loaded.

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Do you get a cents for every like? Jesus it’s like free money.

On average 8k people die every day in the US, so they’ve been having some very undeadly days of late.

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That’s some serious idiotic take by the very well respected sundae girl

I think she’s only referencing events on US soil.
50,000 casualties at Gettysburg, less than 8,000 deaths apparently,heaps%20and%20were%20buried%20together.

You seem to be agreeing with her ‘take’. Her list is complete nonsense, as julio said 8k people die any given day in the US. People aged 80+ dying from covid/a cold/pneumonia is not comparable to a fucking plane flying into a building but trump something something. It’s deranged

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WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday rejected an audacious lawsuit by Texas that had asked the court to throw out the presidential election results in four battleground states captured by President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The court, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue the case, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

The move, coupled with a one-sentence order on Tuesday turning away a similar request from Pennsylvania Republicans, signaled that the court refused to be drawn into President Trump’s losing campaign to overturn the results of the election last month.

There will continue to be scattered litigation brush fires around the nation from Mr. Trump’s allies, but as a practical matter the Supreme Court’s action puts an end to any prospect that Mr. Trump will win in court what he lost at the polls


He’ll be disappointed with them.

And he after handpicking them and all. Where’s the gratitude?



Texit is the new thing now I see

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@potus How do you like them apples

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OK that’s enough, america. Come on now.
Having internet gutlords say this kind of shit online is ok but the actual Texas GOP?

They left the United States before shur

Trump is a crackpot and conspiracy theorist

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Pardons for some, miniature american flags for all

What a man. He’s going around like Ralph Fiennes was in Schindler’s List with the pardons