US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Most of them have no Gas,thatā€™s the problem

Ted Cruz will sort them out

Ted has overcome the adversity of finding out his dad shot JFK and his wife is ugly. Poor fella deserves a break in Cancun.

Not to mention his porn addiction

America has just surpassed 500,000 Covid related deaths.

Joe was handed a vaccine and a vaccination programme, and has still managed to screw things up.

This vaccine is as flighty and whimsical as the virus itself. A week ago it didnā€™t stop transmission. Now it even stops asymptomatic transmission, but it doesnā€™t stop the vaccinated person becoming infected. This actually means that the vaccine canā€™t stop you becoming infected yet it simultaneously vaccinates other peopleā€¦against infection.
Itā€™s a modern miracleā€¦I bet not even luke oā€™neill fully appreciates it.

Sure he has to set out his stall. The last cunt turned a blind eye to the Russians putting bountyā€™s on dead American service men and swallowed a massive Iranian missile strike on American bases that left many soldiers injured (but luckily not killed)

Heā€™ll have BLM logos on the drones at least


So they find Mohammed bin Salman approved Khasoggiā€™s murder but theyā€™ll take no action against him?

Joeā€™s having a 'mare of a Presidency so far.

Hopefully he turns it around.

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President Trump will be arriving at CPAC shortly

Cuomo in a spot of bother.

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What a reception for the President :clap:


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First time Iā€™ve ever heard Don sound nervous

Don chickening out of starting a new party

None of imagined how Bad the Biden administration would be :rofl: