US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

America has just surpassed 500,000 Covid related deaths.

Joe was handed a vaccine and a vaccination programme, and has still managed to screw things up.

This vaccine is as flighty and whimsical as the virus itself. A week ago it didn’t stop transmission. Now it even stops asymptomatic transmission, but it doesn’t stop the vaccinated person becoming infected. This actually means that the vaccine can’t stop you becoming infected yet it simultaneously vaccinates other people…against infection.
It’s a modern miracle…I bet not even luke o’neill fully appreciates it.

Sure he has to set out his stall. The last cunt turned a blind eye to the Russians putting bounty’s on dead American service men and swallowed a massive Iranian missile strike on American bases that left many soldiers injured (but luckily not killed)

He’ll have BLM logos on the drones at least


So they find Mohammed bin Salman approved Khasoggi’s murder but they’ll take no action against him?

Joe’s having a 'mare of a Presidency so far.

Hopefully he turns it around.

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President Trump will be arriving at CPAC shortly

Cuomo in a spot of bother.

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What a reception for the President :clap:


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First time I’ve ever heard Don sound nervous

Don chickening out of starting a new party

None of imagined how Bad the Biden administration would be :rofl:

You spend too much time listening to your beloved Trump

Trump finally got a deal on a silver toupee I see

you’ve been quoting him 2 minutes ago, stating he’s not starting a new party


You probably also believe that the democrats did not engage in election fraud
