US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Americans are cunts.

Cunt politicians.

Cunt sports.

Cunt culture.

Cunt racists.

An absolute eyesore on democracy and equality worldwide, imperialists, war mongers.


Canā€™t wait until Russia take over as the world super power.


Democracy was saved today

@ironmoth not backing down

Today, we are all American.

Of course we are. Iā€™d say the viewing figures here for the inauguration were huge. The yanks are living rent free in our hearts and minds.

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The most unsurprising take of the dayā€¦

There is no hope for unity in the USA. None whatsoever. The ā€˜fuck your feelingsā€™ crowd of the last 4 years have had their feelings hurt and now they jUsT wAnT tO bE HeArD, waaaaaaaahh

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That profile picture :rofl:

Emily absolutely eviscerating Ben Carson here

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In 2016 (under Obama), the US military ā€œdropped at least 26,171 bombsā€¦on combatants or civilians overseasā€ (Guardian, 2017). The Nobel peace prize winner was responsible for 3 bombs being dropped overseas every hour of every day for a full year.

The true reports out of Syria continue to be sickening. Youā€™d feel itā€™s just a matter of time before Creepy Joe gets his own war.

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Q would have been proud of that one himself :smile:


Poor Stephen. A man not of his time. About 70 years too late, heā€™s always been so pissed off he wasnā€™t there at the Nuremburg trials with his friends.

Surely he should be on a plane to Argentina with a fake passport?

He would have been SS, a true believer to the end, willing to give his life for his Fuhrer.

Scotty from marketing is very emotional today at the end of his mateā€™s term. Scottyā€™s a god bothering evangelical and seeā€™s this as the end times.

Amanda Gorman - that was utterly brilliant. I had given up on America, but that alone has restored some faith in the place. Simply wonderful.

ā€œItā€™s the past we step into and how we repair itā€.

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Oh, and Jill Biden. My goodness, sheā€™s an attractive woman and so accomplished.

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Dr Biden to be precise.

Iā€™d say there were Doritos and chips down the couch from the previous tenant


Your idols speak so much of the abyss, yet your morals only run as deep as the surface.

Some effing singer that girl!