US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

The dream ticket

Of course, I didnā€™t meam to be so familiar.

Is that an Ozzy Osborne lyric?

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Joe is struggling to read the teleprompter.

Itā€™s not clear if his handlers have told him that the Trump Administration have already overseen the development of a number of vaccines for Covid.

He also doesnā€™t seem aware that 17 Million vaccines have already been administered in the U.S

I suppose to be president of the US is to be a war criminalā€¦juat some are worse than others.


Really? Thatā€™s what you saw? Emily is a useless twat.


@myboyblue is a helluva wum

The world is a safer place when we lay down our heads tonight lads

in fairness, he is able to dedicate 20 hours a day to TFK and keeps things ticking over.


@Lazarus when is the concert starting?

Iā€™ve only the one account, it makes things ā€˜asier


Is yer lassie from dundalk on?

I never saw that girl in my life

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The Qs are hitting the anger stage now I see

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Theyā€™ve the jaws chewed off themselves all day. Twas bound to happen. Youā€™ll be well able for them

SaVe Us pReSiDeNt TrUmP

Good luck with that missus


EDIT- Beaten to it, see vid above :smile: :smile:

@POTUS handler is in a bad way altogether

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His mom has more teeth than I expected

Thereā€™s a video of Biden backing the Brits over Malvinas.

America is a sick, sick county.