US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

The yanks are gone haywire. Again.

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Surely it’s free reign to bust heads there?

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He could be playing Erik Satie’s Gymnopédie no 1 on the piano

Holy shit

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Proper nawty

I would think they are laughing their holes off in Beijing

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This is all CNNs fault.

Trump has his best men leading the riot

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These cunts on CNN are right about everything but they’re still very annoying.


This is insane.

Is there any chance of an owl massacre?

For four years Trump more or less embarrassed himself. Tonight he embarrassed the united states. He’ll never be forgiven

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We’re not far from it kid

AOC has been shot

High jinks. I did something similar in the Dáil on my school tour in the early 90s.
