US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

How long before the police etc start cracking a few skulls?

Source: Qanon

Very racist attitude. It wasn’t only Black people looting, rioting, killing, raping and pillaging during the blm protests.

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Reports of gunfire

All it takes is one cunt to fire one shot at the wrong time and we have a full scale revolution on our hands.

Seems harmless enough from any pics or video so far

Its not a black and white issue. In fact from what I could see it was a lot of white people who were the main agitators during the summer when they were burning cities to the ground. What seems to be the case in this instance is that they have commandeered an area like BLM did with the autonomous zone in Seattle. Chaz I think it was affectionately called. And authorities let them about their business.

Agreed. Trump supporters ain’t nathin’ but a bunch of fucking pussies

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I agree, the attitudes in america towards differing groups or people can be very racist indeed.
It is writ large so far today although it looks like the serious lads are gearing up now.

CNN calling it attempted coup

This all seems fairly harmless and much ado about nothing. Time to flick back to the Manchester Derby.

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Fair play, this place just wouldn’t be the same without a couple of characters :smile:


Lunatics who don’t have their outlook reading pane at the bottom :-1:

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That could lead to a right riot

Woman shot in the chest.

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This is like an episode of the final season of Homeland

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Wouldn’t it have been epic if TFK had been up on the screen prior to her grabbing her coat…


Wonder if there’ll be a water break?