US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

She hasn’t been able to answer 1 question!

Truth and Transparacy :clap: :clap:

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The numbers will decline quickly when all Trump voters are sent to re-education camps or executed.

And she did a complete dodge on the Putin question at the start.

Its her first day, give her a break

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And she thinks that Joe Biden is a devout Catholic but also Pro Abortion



:clap: :clap: Business backing Biden

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That’s a good point. It must be why the Biden administration is not too focused on coronavirus all of a sudden. I think the main order of business today was to update the White House website contact form to include a pronouns drop-down menu. @Lazarus will be chuffed now that he can send congratulations to uncle sleepy, while indicating his/their preferred pronouns

Yes. A devout Catholic indeed.

“On a scale of zero to Joe Biden, how much do you love kids?”

C’mon guys. You’ve given @POTUS a hard time here but you have to admit, that’s a hard square to circle

There’s an idea!

It’s religion … shapes are shapeable

America has spoken


I’m all for tackling pollution, but when you appoint a bayer insider as head of agriculture…

@glenshane @ironmoth Tucker is on now, everything is gonna be ok, deep breaths

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She said Biden is going to re-enter the U.S. in the Iran Nuclear deal, but at the same time doesn’t want Iran to have Nuclear


A helluva deal


@POTUS Tucker saying we need ‘Unity’
‘But theres a catch’

Oh my

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Not being a ‘White Supremacist’ is the catch apparo

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Tucker hitting the nail on the head in fairness, racism is indeed the fundamental problem.
His pro God solution sounds a little dated, mind, it’s bit too Justin Barret-esque really

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