US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Tom Hanks killing it here :clap: :clap:
FDR JFK Regan Abe The Boss
By God

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Statesmen :clap: :clap:

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Biden seems intent on undoing all of Donny’s good work. Pulling out of the Iran Deal was one of the best moves Trump made. That and his taking out of Soleimani. He wouldn’t have secured the Bahrain/UAE - Israel peace deals without wrapping Iranian knuckles first. Of course the Democrats don’t seem to get this.

They’ll also blindly go back into Syria arming rebels against Al Assad, causing yet more instability.
But hey, as CNN keep telling us - Sleepy Joe = good, Orangeman = bad.


Should we just rename this thread the “Post-Election Meltdown” thread.

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I wonder were they comparing body counts. But that doesn’t matter because the people they slaughtered were mostly, like, foreign brown people.
Calling those three yokes “statesmen”, bush in particular, is an affront to humanity.
Joe Biden is a statesman.

Did you watch an episode of “Benson” to finish off the night on a high?

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AOC is tremendous

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I think joe is planning to resuscitate him later today

History has its eyes on you

Lyin’ Ted. A great name in fairness.

Smile if you’re confident you won’t do time

The fake Melania industrial complex will suffer now. They’ll have to go back to seeking other acting jobs.

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ANTIFA Rioting and destruction in Portland last night.

As predicted, they won’t rest until Joe gives way to the radical left wing of the democratic party.

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I guess ANTIFA didn’t get the memo

Shocking vandalism in Ballyroan Abbey GAA as well, fucking ANTIFA scum


The BLM / Antifa brigade won’t be one bit impressed.

Every other founding father’s story gets told. Every other founding father gets to grow old