US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Quite impressive President Joe Biden swore his oatfh of office on a bible that had been in his family for over 120 years.

The only thing in my family for over 120 years are repressed emotions.


I see Biden has sent more troops into Syria. Indeed the world is a safer place. In opposite land.

Heā€™ll sleepwalk his way into kicking the hornets nest in the middle east and have them at each others throats again in no time.

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Call me a cynic but I suspect having a 123 year old family bible isnā€™t quite the same thing as having a bible which has been in the family for 123 years


You sure it was a Bible?


A bad hoor that trump

Shut the border and go for zero covid. We canā€™t be seen to make a leprechaun caricature of ourselves again.

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Joeā€™s coming home :heart_eyes:


Itā€™ll be fantastic. Yes We Can.

Mayos finest hour. Where abouts in Louth does he pretend to be from?

By my initial calculations tubs will have to bend 113 degrees in order to lick his hole

Which side did @Lazarus come down on here?

Time for your meds buddy

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What do you mean? I hadnā€™t heard this until earlierā€¦gabbard is on the joe rogan podcast.
I thought a keen student of US politics like yourself would have a view

You need to work on your Socratic method

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I employ critical point analysis. I wasnā€™t debating the issue, just asking if you knew anything about it.

@Lazarus is chickening out of this one. Can you shed any light on what went on here?

Itā€™s quite simple, the ā€œprogressiveā€ wing of the Democrat party in the US accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being a Russian asset.

She has a lovely turn of phase does tulsi. Some slap round the head for hilary
ā€œthe queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party.ā€

Oooh they mad :rofl:

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