The U.S media are gas. Trump living rent free on CNN as they keep going on about how shit he was and now Fox starting on Biden saying how shit he is
After only a day on office.
Shit load of executive orders reversing 4 years of Trump in a day
The swamp was badly in need of the slurry tap being turned back on.
Biden has started out as a very divisive President. For all his talk of unity, he is trying to stick it to the Republicans.
Biden needs to let the Trump vaccination programme continue with more than 800,000 shots per day.
That trump lad held an awful lot of hostages
The Trump Administration oversaw the vaccine development and have 18 million people already vaccinated in the U.S, while Joe was hiding in his basement.
Joe simply needs to stand back and not screw things up.
A sort of retrospective delegation?
Joe is sleeping rent free in some chap’s heads.
Nazi Buster Bluth at it again
Pox are taking this very well
The world feels safer this week
Yes, so much so that (as predicted) CNN has taken down its Covid death counter.
As of the time of posting, Joe Biden is responsible for the deaths of 8,298 Americans from Covid.
He’d wanna get a wiggle on if he’s going to catch up with the overall figures of GWB.
The president of the US is no longer personally responsible for COVID it seems. Or every other ill of the world
In fairness to Joe he has set an aggressive goal of 100 million vaccinated in 100 days. We were already at almost 1 million a day, so this aggressive stretch goal is to be commended.
You’ve an amazing ability to give a balanced view.
Under promise. Over achieve. The oldest trick in the book
Someone needs to explain this to Stephen Donnelly.