US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Did you ring the Don’s hotline with this claim of electoral jiggery pokery.


Rudy should have stopped his messing around

‘Mr President, I might be in a bit of trouble here’
‘I don’t know Julie Annie at all well - I think she might have played a small part in my legal battle against the rigged election but I have never had any personal dealings with her. Sidney Powell? Never heard of him’

Rudy will be sweating shite again tonight.

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The Hucksters hat is in the ring.

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What’s the gist laz? It’s taking ages to open, and that’s before I have to read it

Looks like the Dominion suit against Rudy for defamation. Looking for $1.3mil or may bil

It is $1.3 billion !

Plenty of lads on this widely read internet forum were defaming Dominion also.

Maybe, but I’d reckon Dominion think the lads on here don’t influence anybody that matters. Little do they know!

Lads on here have decided two All Ireland hurling championships and this year’s EPL

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Also decided the US election and on the brink of resolving the Covid crisis.

Another very poor performance from Jen Psaki

It never ceases to amaze me with so many americans the extent to which their absolute confidence exists despite their complete and utter lack of talent.

Look at this one, she is as dumb as a post but has no doubt unshakeable confidence in her ability to do this job, and more than that, that people should go out and vote for her to do it.

It’s genuinely mind boggling.


Ain’t only Americans pal

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It’s the frontier mentality. If you’re not going forward (or at least talking confidently about it) you’re going backward.

Looks like it’s brought them full circle.

There’s lads on here listening to that shit every day.

Last week there were literally lads posting up videos of chemical Arnie reading nursery rhymes about the holocaust set to romantic music. It was quite remarkable

Trump impeachment for ‘high crimes and misdemenours’ live now

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