US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Chief Justice Roberts even refused to participate in this unconstitutional circus.

Pat Leahy is going to preside over the trial instead :rofl:

No matter, the constitution does not allow for impeaching a former President.

The craic is gone outta merican politics. Close the thread.


If you are right then Trump gets off, sets up a new far right Patriot party and splits the Republican vote for good.
If you are wrong then Trump is impeached and likely facing serious hard time.
Its a win win

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I disagree, the next 2 and 4 years are going to be fascinating.

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These lads are only warming up

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The Democrats know that even if this was constitutional, they don’t have the votes to convict in the Senate. This is a divisive act by Biden and the dems, and is being seen as such.

Regardless, I actually don’t see Donald running again in 2024, I think (HOPE) Ivanka will be the nominee.

Don jnr and Kimberley would be my choice. An Ennis First Lady would be great for Ireland though I doubt she’ll get the red carpet treatment the Biden 5th generation Irish get from RTÉ

That would be nice, but Don Jr wouldn’t win the Presidential election.

Ivanka would get all of her fathers support, plus a lot of the independents.

It’s co dependent co enabler dysfunctional something or other at this stage. There’s literally lads who have defined themselves by slagging trump. They’ve nowhere to turn now he’s not around.

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I reckon a new party with tulsi gabbard president and trump vp on a leash would walk the next election

They got what they thought was their wish (Trump out of office,) but it hasn’t satisfied their void.

Just watching CNN here for the first time in a while. I see they have gotten rid of the Corona Virus numbers, I wonder why :grin:

Apparently Joe has allowed the Brazil variant of the virus into the country. He needs to get out of his bunker and take this virus seriously.

The realization has set in for many how duped they have been all this time. They must be feeling awful silly, even more so than usual. It cannot be easy for them or their families. or fellow board members. Good stuff here for lads though, there is hope and many supports out there

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you need to stop obsessing over your conspiracy theories :grin:

Ah now. It was your beloved Don who messed with these guys heads. Now they are going to prison and indeed he might end up there next to them. Maybe he should have thought things through

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Just as an experiment I would like @Lazarusto write a paragraph acknowledging something good about trump. Something he did while in office…he has to write it in a way that you are happy with…might take a couple of drafts but you’ve got to approve. Then I would like you to do the same for joe…laz has to similarly appove.
I really think it would help us to move forward as a forum, and as a nation.
It’s a challenge for both of you, but I have faith in your shared magnanimity and your mutual courage.

I’m tuned into this Anderson Cooper chap.

He is still obsessed with President Trump. He is angry that his fellow Americans do not share his obsession.

I guess CNN don’t want to discuss Corona anymore, or Biden :wink:

Thats easy, Joe is behind one of the best tunes of 2020


Jesus it’s like the old days of waking up to sid and Labane after doing a night of it

Gas cunts