US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

More than 1 country.

Again that’s a bit vague

AOC has the usual suspects hopping like sausages in the pan

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What is it about intelligent women that gets lads in such a lather?

Hang on. I’ve answered my own question there, haven’t I.


Poor old Gemma will be seething she didn’t get an invite here

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Does she mention the Jewish laser beams that started the California wild fires? @Tierneevin1979

Trump has made a worthy adversary here

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She needs to get on the midnight train to Georgia.

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President Biden seems to be asleep at the wheel.

He has allowed the Brazilian and now the South African variant of the virus to enter the country.

Twitter seem to have one rule for the radical democrats, and one rule for everyone else :thinking:

AOC is a great woman, she haunts the lunatics :clap:

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She’s haunty alright.

Sell her to me

Slavery was abolished long ago, mate. Had you not heard?

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The GOP falling apart at the seams. It’s sad to bear witness to


Republican party sorted that for America


Nasty post

Awful shame what they’ve become

To exist in a realm where hatred and fear of the ‘others’ is so entrenched within, that you’d literally believe in ‘Jewish space lasers’ attacking from another galaxy, and such a thing to compel your articulation of this short life in this small world. It’s quite sad


Ah yeah. America’s troubles are over. The Dems will end racism, gun crime and every other evil in the US.