US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Have we been sold a pup in Joe Biden?

Like any US president I am willing to give him every chance, and voted for him, but some of his executive actions are a little worrying.

In the middle of a pandemic and on the verge of an economic depression, is this really the time to be shutting down industries? Just after we become energy independent, is this really the time to fire tens of thousands of workers because they work in the oil and gas industry? The solution is to go back to buying more oil from Middle East suppliers? Russia? China?

I truly hope Joe is not a puppet and his strings are not being pulled by the loony left. He ran as a centrist, I hope he wasn’t lying or worse. As I said I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt short term.

I have no doubt Sleepy Joe is his own man.

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Fair play to you

You already gave him the chance by voting for him. Congratulations, commie. When the coal-fucking patriots of Harlan County come for you, don’t say you weren’t warned about China Joe.


Sure didn’t he strengthen your military with a mere stroke of the pen?

What a lady :heart_eyes:

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I’d say her husband would only leave the toilet seat up the once

That’s an OOOOOFFFFFTTTTT from AOC to be fair

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Joey two masks is playing a blinder

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Mags Bennett wouldn’t be long sorting him out

Trust the plan

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God damn you, Dickie

I see sleepy Joe is breaking records with all his new executive orders
Talk about getting shit done :clap: :clap:


Police bodycam footage from Trumps redneck coup attempt beginning to be released now. Oh my God :sweat:

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Its difficult to see how the Republicans can move forward from this without some kind of split. I’m not sure a clear path for Democrats for the next 20 years or so is the right thing either

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I think the Democratic party falling apart would be a great thing for humerica…so long as the Republicansdo likewise. Did you see that shill biden appointed for agriculture. Downright sinister…while hopping back into the Paris agreement, green new tax etc?
It’s all bollox. You know it, I know it.

If there was a Presidential election in the morning, President Trump would win by a landslide, again.

The Great Unravel has begun in the states and there is no turning back. It will be a very different place and system that re-emerges after this crisis.

Flesh that out there will ye.