US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Thatā€™s all we bloody need. Why canā€™t people just get along?

Irony alert

Yep. If they ban cars and make us ride bikes as well as banning the internet maybe we could all get along but sure what would we do for craic then?

I forgive you for that jibe mike

Good lord above :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The best people


Some craic. :rofl:

Fuck it lads Biden is gonna seem fair boring after all this.

Should be some good books to come out of the Trump White House, Hollywood will have a field day in time.

Jayses Jo is signing executive orders again. He must be bollixed by dinner time.
President Oā€™Biden from now on to be known as

E.O Joe

The Conspiracy Boys @TheBlackSpot and @Lazarus are spending too much time on the dark side of the Web.

Itā€™s very concerning.

Itā€™s genuinely fascinating to watch. Theyā€™ll end up storming their local golf course or something

tenor (60)

giphy (18)

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He needs to revisit a few from last week. Federal Judges had a busy week throwing out the E.Oā€™s he signed in his first week.

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MTG has em hopping like sausages in a pan. Higher % vote than Pelosi got so she ainā€™t going anywhere. We should only elect people our betters approve of is the real message here.

Disappointing lack of respect for the institution

The Duck is afraid

if you were his attorney would you let him testify? Heā€™d talk himself into the slammer.

Besides, sure donā€™t they want him silenced?

Given the quality of attorney he hasā€¦