US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

‘Harassing a school shooting survivor’

Democratic Congressman speaking on how he urged his colleagues to try blend in with republicans as the mob bore down on the room. And then realising some of his colleagues couldnt blend in

Then you see this reply and you wonder how people can defend someone who hsrssses school shooting victims

America is broken

Land of the brave, home of the free.

If they all had guns they wouldn’t be so afraid. Bunch of whiny liberal commies.

If the two year olds were armed and spent more time on marksmanship than eating skittles America would be a better place.

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RTÉ used the word harassing. Her side is she responded to a criticism via video. Amazing how a narrative or journalistic license can be used to ensure a certain angle hits home. Not amazing gobdaws lap it up however

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Amazing how her side suits her.


She’s clearly deranged but what’s up with all the attention she’s getting? Has she been anointed the successor to Trump in terms of media attention? The Democrats have a decent majority in Congress so its not like she has any influence or power.

I’d imagine its the QANON thing. Oddly enough elected representatives are pretty sore about people who raised an armed insurrection on them.

Strange reaction. Don’t you think that a congressman coming out with such weirdness and lies is unsettling and problematic?

Even more unsettling is the line from the teacher about practicing for mass murder on the school premises
“We keep the drills age appropriate”

No. Its par for the course for lots of politicians.

Pal of mine lives in Dallas. His kids primary school put armed guards in place couple of years ago after a shooting.

It’s not unusual.

She didn’t just come out with them, she was ‘made to believe’ them.
Poor woman should sue facebook and youtube.

Ok, you’re way off. Good luck and thanks.

She went before the electorate and received 75% of the vote. Her views were well known. Perhaps we should only elect people you like or take the vote away from idiots altogether?

No I never suggested anything like that, you appear to be conflating very different things.

American schools need more guns. Good guys with guns.

“Do you realize that if there had been guards with guns at your school that are trained that Nicolas Cruz would not have killed 17 people in your high school? Good guys with guns hurt bad guys with guns, they’ll kill them, and it will reduce the number of deaths.”

Christ, if there was ever an advert for Semtex, that was it.

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