US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

I guess the mob were really good people intent on doing wrong.

“He’s really a good person who did wrong,” Harrington said.

What in God’s name are you talking about? The Guardian article said Trump sent a mob to kill Mike Pence. Pure hyperbolic horsehit, literally fake news. They peddle in lies in slave to a narrative but sure it plays to the simple minded new age lefties.

Good article. Pence stood ably by Trump for years legitimizing him in many ways but when duty called he remembered that his country came first. A real patriot albeit a flawed one. Of course the second he put the USA before the ousted President they tried to kill him


Yep. Incited by The Don.

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Another Dunphy classic:

"Bill, Hartson is not a 7million pound player…it’s a disgrace, a shambles! This is the state of football today Bill. I have a clip here of why Hartson is NOT a £7million player…Roll it there Bill!(literally 1 second in to the clip) OKAY, HOLD IT THERE BILL!!! (draws a circle around Hartson’s arse) Bill, that is NOT the arse of a £7million player!’’


If you say so Conspiracy Boy :grinning:

What’s a QANON Prophet? And what Conspiracy Rabbit holes did you have follow to find this article?

Goodness only knows what you are searching for.

I just followed a couple of GOP congress representatives on Twitter

If you say so :popcorn:

Anyhow, we’ll let you back onto your Conspiracy Theory browsing

Don’t take my word for it buddy, here’s a Republican congresswoman just telling it like it is

You spend way too much time on the Conspiracy Theories.

They’ll rot your mind.

Thats a weak response even allowing for it being yourself. Perhaps @POTUS has a wee grá for Majorie?? The heart wants what it wants

@POTUS and his handlers would do well to read this

Opinion: My fellow Republicans, convicting Trump is necessary to save America

President Donald Trump at the White House on April 22, 2020.

President Donald Trump at the White House on April 22, 2020. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

Opinion by Adam Kinzinger

Feb. 8, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. GMT

Adam Kinzinger, a Republican, represents Illinois’s 16th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Winston Churchill famously said, “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” All Americans, but especially my fellow Republicans, should remember this wisdom during the Senate’s trial of former president Donald Trump.

I say this as a lifelong Republican who voted to impeach Trump last month. Virtually all my colleagues on the right side of the aisle took the opposite path. Most felt it was a waste of time — political theater that distracted from bigger issues. The overwhelming majority of Senate Republicans appear to feel the same way about conviction.

But this isn’t a waste of time. It’s a matter of accountability. If the GOP doesn’t take a stand, the chaos of the past few months, and the past four years, could quickly return. The future of our party and our country depends on confronting what happened — so it doesn’t happen again.

The immediate cause for Trump’s impeachment was Jan. 6. But the president’s rally and resulting riot on Capitol Hill didn’t come out of nowhere. They were the result of four-plus years of anger, outrage and outright lies. Perhaps the most dangerous lie — or at least the most recent — was that the election was stolen. Of course it wasn’t, but a huge number of Republican leaders encouraged the belief that it was. Every time that lie was repeated, the riots of Jan. 6 became more likely.

Even now, many Republicans refuse to admit what happened. They continue to feed anger and resentment among the people. On Jan. 6, that fury led to the murder of a Capitol Police officer and the deaths of four other Americans. If that rage is still building, where does it go from here?

Impeachment offers a chance to say enough is enough. It ought to force every American, regardless of party affiliation, to remember not only what happened on Jan. 6, but also the path that led there. After all, the situation could get much, much worse — with more violence and more division that cannot be overcome. The further down this road we go, the closer we come to the end of America as we know it.

The Republican Party I joined as a young man would never take that road. The GOP that inspired me to serve in uniform and then run for public office believed a brighter future was just around the bend. We stood for equal opportunity, firm in our conviction that a poor kid from the South Side of Chicago deserves the same shot as a privileged kid from Highland Park. We knew that if we brought everyone into America’s promise, we would unleash a new era of American progress and prosperity. Outrage and the fear of a darker future were nowhere to be found in that Republican Party.

When leaders such as Donald Trump changed that dynamic, many of my fellow Republicans went along without question. Many are still there because they believe the rank-and-file Republican voter is there, too. But I think that’s an illusion. The anger and outrage are drowning out the much larger group of people who reject that approach. Worse, many have gone silent because they assume the party’s leaders no longer represent them. They’re waiting for leaders who will say what they know is true.

Since my vote to impeach Trump, I’ve heard from tens of thousands of my constituents. Their reaction has been overwhelmingly supportive. Republicans of all backgrounds and outlooks have told me they appreciate my efforts to return the GOP to a foundation of principle, not personality. I’ve even heard from many Democrats. They don’t agree with me on a lot of issues, but they want the Republican Party to be healthy and competitive.

I firmly believe the majority of Americans — Republican, Democrat, independent, you name it — reject the madness of the past four years. But we’ll never move forward by ignoring what happened or refusing to hold accountable those responsible. That will embolden the few who led us here and dishearten the many who know America is better than this. It will make it more likely that we see more anger, violence and chaos in the years ahead.

The better path is to learn the lessons of the recent past. Convicting Donald Trump is necessary to save America from going further down a sad, dangerous road.

Another night of @potus being triggered by @Lazarus, you’re a nawful man Laz. He’s dead. Leave him off.

Sorry, I don’t read your Conspiracy Theory’s


Evem @Liqourice_Pipes would be ashamed of this effort

When do you think we’ll see joe making an appearance in the US politics thread?

And this

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Imagine finding out everything you believe in was made up by a few wums having a bit of craic on the INTERNET. It muse be very embarrassing for them.They’ll be in the denial stage a while yet I’d say

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