US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

When my company moved to a new office an online portal was set up with staff suggestions.

The best of which being a request for “unisex toilets, like Ally McBeal”

Wonderful display from Bruce Castor. :clap:

It’s going to be very embarrassing for the divisive democrats if they don’t get the two thirds support they need to find President Trump guilty of impeachment charges.

Shut it heron choker or I’ll gut you.

Ally went for the emotional side of things. The Don blowing holes all over it sticking to due process.

The Trump legal team just destroyed the radical democrats.

Saying that the radical democrats don’t follow the U.S. Constitution, but rather they follow Chairman Mao’s Red Book.


Thinly veiled, Nancy blew her load too early

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The Trump legal team is ruining Nancy’s day by quoting those pesky Laws and the U.S. Constitution.

And after the dems went to the trouble of commissioning a feature film to use as evidence :rofl:

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Nancy will need another executive order from E.O. Joe to get out of this one

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Shouldn’t you be retired like all your beloved bedwetters? Another year another chokey choke

David Schoen :clap:

uh oh morto for @POTUS and chums

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Lovely. 44 Republicans voted that this circus is unconstitutional.

The divisive dems needed 67 votes to be successful with their impeachment hoax


the divisive dems needed 67.

Wipe that egg off your face :grin:

See you in court buddy

with a dem as the presiding judge :rofl:

Chief Justice Roberts wouldn’t even participate in this circus.

I guess it is true that the divisive dems do follow Chairman Mao’s Red Book.

Why do you bother with that fool? Clucking about eggs. He’s a yolk.

Vote didn’t go as well as you had wished ?

Don’t worry, you always have your Conspiracy Theory’s :wink: