US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

What an absolute fucking embarrassment that Raskin fella was today.

Pathetic, indulgent, theatrical display.

Americans are sick in the fucking head.

He was, however he is a dem and their motives are clear to all Americans now.

The most important thing is that it seems that there is ZERO change that former President Trump will be convicted of the impeachment hoax charges.

Do you not think Laz is taking this a bit too serious ?? Maybe yourself too ??

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I think I have a legitimate interest on 2 counts.
1: Like most people I view the USA as the most powerful country in the world and to see it sail so close to authoritarianism through the dissemination of misinformation/disinformation and the raising of the mob by appealing to peopleā€™s lowest instincts and to realise that one of the chief disseminators and appellants was the President is concerning.

2: rather tenuous, but my grandfather was an American citizen

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Do you really believe what you wrote ???

Do you not allow me to believe it?

You can believe what you want my friend

Thank you :smile:

Did he fight for the US in Korea and get citizenship?

Went out with a girl whoā€™s father emigrated to the States in the early 50s, got drafted, got the option to give citizenship to his offspring and took it. Thought nothing of it for years, got married in his early 40ā€™s and passed it onto his three kids. Nice pressie for them.

None of the above. He was born there and his parents came back to Ireland when he was little. Thatā€™s about all I really know about it.

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Itā€™s astonishing that a former president is being investigated like this. Iā€™d venture to say that he carried out his Presidency in the same way he carried out his business - ā€œThe Art of the Dealā€ - blind to the fact that politics is much different from business. Mind you if so his business practices were unscrupulous to say the least.

Georgia prosecutors open investigation into Trumpā€™s call to Raffensperger - report

Prosecutors in Fulton county, Georgia, have reportedly launched a criminal investigation of Donald Trump ā€™s phone call to Brad Raffensperger, the Republican secretary of state, about the presidential election.

The New York Times reports:

On Wednesday, Fani Willis , the recently elected Democratic prosecutor in Fulton County, sent a letter to numerous officials in state government, including Mr. Raffensperger, requesting that they preserve documents related to Mr. Trumpā€™s call, according to a state official with knowledge of the letter. The letter explicitly stated that the request was part of a criminal investigation, said the official, who insisted on anonymity to discuss internal matters.

The inquiry makes Georgia the second state after New York where Mr. Trump faces a criminal investigation. And it comes in a jurisdiction where potential jurors are unlikely to be hospitable to the former president; Fulton County encompasses most of Atlanta and overwhelmingly supported President Biden in the November election.
The Fulton County investigation comes on the heels of a decision Monday by Mr. Raffenspergerā€™s office to open an administrative inquiry.

Can you pinpoint any examples of Trumpā€™s authoritarianism? What actions did he take of an authoritarian bent which differed from his predecessors or his successor?

Keep in mind, opinion pieces from the Guardian or NYT are not examples. Give hard specific examples here.

Like executive orders authoritarianism?

Absolutely. His denial of the results of the election, spreading disinformation and whipping up the mob culminating in his attempted putsch on the day that Biden was to be confirmed. If he was a democrat - actually if he was any sort of decent human being heā€™d have called for the mob to cease and desist as soon as it became clear they were assaulting the Capitol. He didnā€™t.

The question that you have to answer is: Why not?


He asked for peaceful protests, non violent, this is on tape. To call a putsch is the most over exaggerated description available. If a call for peaceful protests which subsequently turn violent is a putsch the Democrats should look in the mirror.

Re denial of the results of the election - the Democrats and HRC literally did this for 4 years post 2016. They claimed Russia colluded with Trump to rig the election. This was misinformation and complete conspiracy theory bullshit. Have you memory holed this?

Trump lost the election and spread falsities it was stolen or rigged. Thereā€™s no evidence to support that. The exact same behaviour from the Democrats for the past 4 years. It hasnā€™t happened in a vacuum.


Hi bucko. I asked you a question so I did

Ok fucko, I thought you were just having a poke. lol I definitely wouldnā€™t be a fan of executive orders. Iā€™m no US constitutional expert and donā€™t know what the reasoning behind allowing them is. I assume there must be a limit on what can be ordered executively. Another thing Iā€™d like to see a breakdown of would be how many of Bidenā€™s directly rescinded Trumpā€™s and how many were new.


He incited the mob to fight and to be strong repeatedly. Strength and honour!

I watched most of that rally and I can only recall once when he said weā€™re going to down there peacefully. Well he didnā€™t go down so we can take that out. He incited the mob repeatedly. Tell you who he reminded me of - Paisley snr who would incite his protestant followers and then go home while they wreaked havoc in catholic areas and later deny any responsibilty.

If he wanted a peaceful protest why didnā€™t he, as soon as he saw the turn events were taking, call the mob off?

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Trump idolizors whining yesterday about the impeachment saying they should concentrate on governing. Todays whining is about executive orders saying they are governing too much.
You couldnā€™t make it up

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Morning pal