US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Rush this Rush that, he sounds obsessed

Law and Order :clap:

It’s fine gibberish by his very high standards but just not as snappy as it used to be. Maybe his heart isn’t in it any more.

The election fraud of November 2020 must never happen again.

Without honest elections, who has confidence in the results?

Is this gobshite still talking :rofl: :rofl:

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A brilliant performance from President Trump.

God Bless President Trump, and God Bless America :us:

Did he do the dancing thing?

are you asking about Andrew Cuomo?


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Lolz, in fairness to the Don, targeting the IQ deficient nearly worked out wonderfully for him.

US President Joe Biden has said that the country will have enough coronavirus vaccines for every American adult by the end of May - two months earlier than previously expected

Unbelievable stuff from President Biden

Phenomenal stuff.

Don left him a tap in. Operation Warp Speed was a great success

And all this in between naps


Will The Duck attend tomorrow for the “true” inauguration?

Big day tomorrow

A $732 billion military budget and they are panicking over a few lads wearing bear skins and carrying sticks. For ffs.