US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

They said it couldnā€™t be done. President O Biden had other ideas

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Lewis Goodall

6 Mar, 3 tweets, 1 min read

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NEW: Senate passes President Bidenā€™s $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill, 50-49. Will he sent back to the House, passage looks assured. Will be the biggest achievement of his presidency so far.

The consequences of those two Georgia run offs just keep on flowingā€¦

Extraordinary stat from Columbia University. They estimate if all the provisions of the Biden stimulus bill are passed it will halve child poverty in the US.

By god

The stone carvers around Mt Rushmore will be busy soon enough if he keeps this up

Delighted for Laurita

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He some man.All hail President O Biden.

Mayo finally get over the line

I thought Biden was going to try to unify Americans. Calling Texans neanderthals will hardly help matters. He seems far more toxic and full of hatred than Trump ever was. Iā€™m genuinely surprised in Joe, I was expecting much better. Could his comments be classified as hate speech?

ā€œThe guy who runs that outfit over thereā€. Biden trying to remember the name of the lad (Llyod Austin) he just nominated to head up the department of Defense (the Pentagon) a month ago.

How many days/weeks/months before the 25th amendment is invoked?


If heā€™s now struggling to even read the teleprompter, that is a very bad sign. But, Orange Man bad.

We joke but by the end of 2021



Did Jā€™O fall off a plane or something?

Our lord fell three timesā€¦ so did joe climbing up onto the plane. Putins wishes of good health are ringing hollow.

Diplomacy sammy style

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By God. House Republican Matt Gaetz accuses TFK hate-mobs idol Tucker Carlson of being a paedophile on his own TV show. You really couldnā€™t make it up

Gaetz is a bit of a cunt and supposedly a playboy, but heā€™s single so why not. This looks like he got caught by the balls in a honey trap though. The lesson is donā€™t mess with the Fed. There was a lad who used to post here that found that out to his cost.

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Is that @sidney or that other weirdo he used to fight with?

Interesting will be Sleepy Joeā€™s corporation tax policy and its implications for the auld sod .

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