US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

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This is a very simple issue. A rape of a child occurred and the school board denied to parents that it happened and moved the rapist to another school, exposing other unknowing kids to danger. Lo and behold he assaulted another girl there.

This is what parents in Loudoun county Virginia were upset about, and rightly so. The school superintendent Scott Ziegler should be fired, but the resident nutjob thinks he acted appropriately because of transgender something, something.

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can you read, im talking about the victim of a sexual assalt but youre all over the convicted perpetrator.

why do you love rapists so much?


This is a key issue. Why is Sidney pro-rape?

How is the simple reporting of the victim’s testimony “victim blaming”?

Are you proposing now that victims’s voices should be silenced in any case to do with sexual assault? That’s the logical implication of what you are saying.

Your second line isn’t doing you any favours. It makes you look crazy. And that line is crazy.

cant bring himself to condemn a rapist, cant bring himself to condemn a school superintendent who moved the rapist thus facilitating a second rape.

but thinks its fine to introduce the child victims previous sexual history.

seems like par for the course for the #bekind lobby


Now you’re just flat out lying and flinging out defamatory accusations against me.

And you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about here.

I didn’t realise these were binary alternatives. Must I really spread anti-trans bigotry in order to have no interest in what goes on in some banana republic?

the audit trail clearly shows who is lying here and crazy * spoiler alert* it isnt me

please regale me as to how you defame a DB username?

youre getting that agitated that i can only assume another threat of doxxing me is on the way shortly


If somebody comes onto a thread solely to fling around anti-trans bigotry and then fling around defamatory accusations that another poster is pro-rape, they are proving they have no real interest in what’s happening in America, they only have an interest in bigotry, propaganda and defamatory accusations.

Why this is relevant to the Virginia election is because public school boards in the US increasingly see themselves as autonomous and that parents should have no say in how schools are run, forgetting that it is parents who pay their salaries. A lot of the people who gravitate to school boards are ideologues who shouldn’t be allowed near education.

The bottom line in this case was the school board were only interested in covering their asses and in none of their communications since the incident have they expressed any empathy for the child who was raped or her parents. Liberal media like MSNBC portrayed the girl’s Dad as a domestic terrorist for daring to be upset that his daughter was raped in a school bathroom.


The sad thing is he jumps on a bandwagon of causes. He would have been a big proponent of the #metoo movement no doubt and we can see how cynical and holllow that is as he does not care about rape, he does not care about victims. He only cares about using suffering and trauma as a political football and is quite happy to go out and bat for rapists if they are in his political ideology.

This kind of crass cynicism really exploits victims and makes it harder for their grievances and suffering to be addressed properly and sincerely.

He’s a big fan of Bill Clinton as I recall and is quite happy to campaign for rape victims but only when he has an angle on it, as we see with Clinton, he doesn’t actually have any sincerity there.


You know who I am, my real name.

When the asexual Mama’s boy calls me pro-rape, he is trying to assassinate my character.

And you are doing it too.

You are doing it with the intent of trying to assassinate my character offline.

believe me, if i had your real name i wouldve tracked you down after the last time you tried to doxx me.

as i said before, send me a PM with your details and we can talk about this face to face

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Always the victim
Never your own fault

I never tried to doxx you.

You are however trying to mendaciously assassinate my character and you have two other posters in on it, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @Tierneevin1979.

I don’t expect any better from them but I do expect somewhat better from you.

Reenactment of what is now happening in this thread.

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FAO Sid and Art, after having kissed and made up over last time ye should probably both take a time out this time.


a sensible suggestion glas.

Im Out Shark Tank GIF by ABC Network

best of luck @Cheasty

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Jackass! Maybe you really are so deluded that you don’t see your own bias! I don’t dispute the facts you stated but the implication of those facts is that the boy dressed in a skirt entered the girls’ washroom facilities with the intention of raping any random female he found there. You don’t need to mention trans gender. You’ve got your dog whistle. (He has been described as gender fluid but I’m not bothering with the he\she whatever thing). What you left out, which doesn’t suit your agenda is that this was a pre arranged meeting between him and the girl, just as they’d done several times before. (& just to be clear before you level any dumb accusations, he raped her and there is no justification for that and no blame attaches to the girl.)
You were dog whistling with selective facts.