US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

No assaults occurred by trans people in restrooms.

That’s the whole fucking point.

The whole manufactured controversy had been created by Republicans to vilify trans people.

This only concerned trans people.

Refer to @Tierneevin1979’s initial post where he admits the whole thing was about trans people.

@Tierneevin1979 couldn’t help saying the quiet part out loud.

Ziegler was absolutely correct.

In your initial post you said the whole issue was about trans people.

That was a flagrant lie.

You lied.

kindly directly to where in my reply trans was mentioned by ziegler

scott ziegler october 15th

“ First, let me say to the families and students involved — my heart aches for you and I am sorry that we failed to provide the safe, welcoming, and affirming environment that we aspire to provide,

“I regret that my comments were misleading and I apologize for the distress that error caused families,”

The question and the issue concerned trans people and trans people only. It could only be interpreted as referring to trans people.

The whole issue was a manufactured gotcha by Republican bigots to vilify trans people. You;ve already admitted that.

Ziegler was correct.

But, anyway, what has any this to do with the Virginia governor’s election?


It’s just you and other bigots here foghorning your bigotry all over the place.

wow, ninja edit there to add more frothing at the mouth

Superintendent’s Press Conference Statement (

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Address the points, Art. You’re deflecting.

@TheBlackSpot do yourself a favor and read back my original post to see where you are being misled by the site’s leading lying scumbag.

Here, let me quote it for you to save you the bother: “A girl was raped by a boy dressed in a skirt pretending to be a girl”. This is entirely accurate and does not mention transgender or gender fluid. The boy gained access to the girls’ bathroom by dressing as a girl, that is factual.

The school board handled it in an appalling fashion, denying to parents that an assault took place and moved the boy to another school where he assaulted another girl. The school board have now apologized for this for they knew they are in the wrong.

I await your apology.

This whole story is about rape culture.

Something @Tierneevin1979 and the Republican party has always denied exists - except when it can be turned against people of colour.

Surely all rape is wrong.

The resident nutjob seems to be saying rape is ok if its Democrats that do it? :man_shrugging:

so ziegler himself has apologised, said he got mixed up but you know better than ziegler?

People who are correct apologise all the time because of media circuses.

Something that Republicans are expert at manufacturing.

And that’s what it was. A manufactured story.

There was no trans attacker and that’s what the question and the issue was entirely concerned with.

There was an attack by a male on a female. Which of those was trans?

What law enabled the supposed trans attack that @Tierneevin1979 and the entirety of the right-wing bullshit machine in America claims happened?

None. Loudoun County didn’t even have the fucking law they were claiming “enabled” the non-existent attack by a trans person.

Again, what’s this to do with American electoral politics?

It’s simple bigotry.

you introduced trans and the rape victims previous sexual history. the audit trail speaks for itself

Democrat Chris Coons beat Republican Lauren Witzke 291k to 186k votes in the 2020 US Senate election in Delaware.

Now Witzke is spreading fantastical conspiracy theories that she won.

This is fascism in action.

If any of youse here had a genuine interest in what’s happening in America, yis’d be all over this insanity.

But none of yis are. Too busy spreading anti-trans bigotry.

LAUREN WITZKE, POLITICIAN: They have proof of the dead voters. The people of Delaware, its not just my seat that was stolen, it was the peoples Senate seat. Chris Coons is not the U.S. senator from the state of Delaware. It`s looking like Lauren Witzke is.

So, let me tell you something. I have a plan. As a private citizen, what do you do when you have stolen property taken from you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You call the cops.

WITZKE: Exactly. Im asking the Delaware state police to stand with me. Im waiting for the audits to be completely – irrefutable evidence of – we have awesome people working on the audit – irrefutable evidence of election fraud, and the stolen election.

And Im asking the Delaware state police to stand with me to help me retrieve the peoples stolen property so that is my plan to reclaim my Senate seat. If it is without a reasonable doubt that that seat was mine, you know doggone well I`m going to take it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, and you know what? That`s exactly what the cops are there for, exactly what an upstanding, moral, impartial, just law enforcement agency who swears an oath should live up to. They should live up to that oath.


I linked to a very well written article. That you are now trying to twist the truth into so called “victim blaming” says everything about your mentality.

This manufactured controversy is squarely about anti-trans bigotry. It is first, last, everything in the story.

the “well written article” introduced the victims PSH. you were raging about this sort of stuff on the belfast rape thread.

audit trail bitch

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To you, the simple dispelling of the myth that the perpetrator was trans is “victim blaming”, because you never wanted even the most basic truth about the case to emerge.

You wanted to blame trans people - as does @Tierneevin1979 and the entirety of the right wing US bullshit machine.

That’s what was entirely about. A manufactured moral panic. As the right wing in America have bene manufacturing for centuries.

why introduce the PSH if not victim blaming. in ireland you need a court oder to introduce it.

audit trail

Wow. It’s no wonder @labane1917 deleted his account.

How is the simple, factual statement that the perpetrator was not trans “victim blaming”?

Answer the question.