US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

‘A landslide’

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Did you ever think you would see a headline on CNN about an insurrection in DC following President encouragement

A lot of blood will be spilled tonight.

Trump never lets me down.

Thats essentially a decleration of civil war

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As long as he is not accelerating it

What did he say?

That he won by a landslide

It’s not. He thinks he can have his cake and eat it - he thinks he can distance himself from violence sufficiently for the mainstream but still unleash violence and capitalise on it. Historically he’s following fairly similar tactics to Ian Paisley during the Troubles or even Charles Stewart Parnell during the land agitations. Those 2 both got away with it.


CNN is like watching North Korean news. The hyperbole is outstanding

The irony of everyone saying he should accept defeat when they bleated on about Russia for 3 years



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Hon Pingin

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@Special_Olympiakos wins the shithead sweepstakes


One of them had to :smile:

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Mike Pence has been hacked

Is the excuse that will be rolled out

Ossoff wins.

That should calm things

2-0 to the Democrats