US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Trump will start a civil war.

What a pounding

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The sad thing is, it was never going to end any other way with the you’ve been tangoed, racist, sexist cunt

I’m looking forward from the nuanced takes on here from the weirdos on here who pretended the Senate race was more important in November and it was a bad day for the Democrats who had no real control. It will be about the margin being too narrow now. It’s always something else.


Which ones?

Trump has probably bought the tv advertising slots for this. He’s in total control. Bigly so.

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No. Mike had his Damascus moment tonight

Congress - Democrat
Senate - Democrat
White House - Democrat

What a victory for @Lazarus :clap: :clap:


and the Democrats


I think its already started boss

Theres always an opportunity

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Proof if proof was needed that Americans are the dumbest motherfuckers in the world.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you just can’t trump a 300% turnout

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I don’t think that’s his real account.

2.8m absentee ballots counted in Pennsylvania when only 1.6m were sent out.

You deserve this


nothing to see here, he is blowing the trumpet