US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

How so?

He was attempted lynched.

If you fought for States rights or defended your home from invaders in the American civil war you were pro slavery too according to some other silly people

States’ rights has generally always been a euphemism for pro-slavery or pro-bigotry or anti-democracy insanity.

Has it? Aren’t you a champion of Ukrainian independence? Are they racists.
The United States was made up of individual states in the 19th century like the former Soviet bloc. The constitution was written to preserve that freedom until greedy federalists under the convenient banner of slavery decided on a land grab.
Ask the Native American population who respected their freedom post the civil war when union men raped and pillaged all over


'Tis a wee bit mad that in 2021 we have people in Ireland writing on internet forums and associating the word “freedom” with the Confederacy.

Have a good night.

By lads he paid to “lynch” him.
With rope he paid for.
That he blamed on white MAGAMEN.
Grow up you fucking white woke clown.

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It wasn’t about the moral justifications of slavery, but the economical consequences of it for the north.


The notion that the north went to war for moral reasons is derisory. They didn’t give a shit about the plight of the negro, most of them held slaves themselves and were the same people who committed genocide against native Americans. The war was fought to preserve the union, which was an economic goal. Arguing that the civil war was “over slavery” is like arguing modern inner city gang warfare is over “turf”, when it’s over control of the drug, prostitution and extortion trade.


Stop being a massive white supremacist, you massive white supremacist. :grinning:

The American right wing can never hide their utter hatred for the ordinary worker.

Laughing at 900 people being laid off, calling them criminal thieves, I mean fucking hell.

Nice pivot there lad,oh look over there Fox news are being assholes.


Their only joy in life is from other people’s misery. They should be pitied.

You’d believe his version of events?

A real-life Monty Burns type cunt there.

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The chap doing the cull has those psychopathic traits that a lot of CEOs tend to have. Enjoyed hurting others while still trying to make himself out to be the victim. It’s in his DNA. It’s the non psychopaths that enjoy his actions that I pity.

A privileged white lad in his 40s who lives in comfort and never had to hold a job down in his life has somehow appointed himself as the spokesperson for minorities while consistently throwing racist shade on Eastern Europeans.

You could not make it up.


You think it’s appropriate there’s a right wing propaganda machine that laughs at 900 people losing their jobs?

Fox News is a fuckin disgrace of a channel along with everyone on it.They love these Monty Burns type characters though.

And it’s by far the single most influential media outlet in America, and probably the world.

And those Monty Burns type characters are entirely representative of what right wing politics “offers”.

Misery for the masses.

Fox and every other right wing media outlet exist for one reason - to control the “news” media agenda by saying any oul’ bit of hateful shite they can come up with. To rile up the brainwashed. To distract everybody else.

While in the background right wing politics works extremely diligently to dismantle democracy and construct a vile, vicious racist, anti-science kleptocracy.

It’s an all angles attack.