US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Yeah but not a benevolent revisionist sense. Lincoln in fairness to him went all in on emancipation a few years into the war, at the start he stated explicitly however if he could win the war without freeing one slave he would

The war was about slavery, all the forum agrees.

Personally I find it odd that Robert E Lee would say that he was against slavery while also keeping slaves himself, making conditions worse for his father-in-law’s slaves when he inherited them, say that slavery was good for blacks but bad for whites and allow his army to enslave all the black people they they came across, but there you I go, I guess people are complicated and often hypocrites.

Or uncomplicated, bigoted liars.

Robert E Lee was opposed to the erection of confederate statues after the war, so would be happy with this melting.

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Ole Bob E was a ‘good’ slave owner.

You’re obviously really really stupid.

What a horrible scumbag.

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Radio silence from the loony lefties on Jussier Smollier creating a fake hate crime and being lapped up by all the mainstream media, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris etc etc Tough one for them as it shows demand for these actual ‘hate’ crimes outstrips supply. The greatest country in the world will move forward nonetheless.


Denmark? Or Sweden? Think it was Finland up until the PM went dancing.

Lads obsessed about statues of 19th century slave owners posting away on their smartphones made using modern slave labour.

You couldn’t make it up.


Sure everything is made with slave labour. Sure you cant compete economically otherwise.

Sure a few of the woke clowns on here believed him.

That’s what slave owners in southern US states would have said in 1850.


“If you use a phone you’re automatically pro-slavery” seems quite the extremist position.

Should have guessed who it would come from. :grinning:

Do you still believe Jussie Smollett?

there’s some absolute doozies in the audit trail

id say a guilty verdict in holmes case will push a few lads over the edge

He’s the victim of a disgraceful carriage of misjustice.

Sure he was attempted lynched.

Why are you so obsessed with this case and on using it to reaffirm your racist confirmation biases?

Do you not think it would be more in your line to start telling the truth about America’s racist history and present?

Which you’ve never, ever done, and have always viciously opposed.

And billionaires nowadays. Sure how could I keep fighting the space tourism race if I didn’t have most of my lower paid staff on a zero hours contract.