US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

The pee tape is in the members section halfway through the Zebo thread.

This Biden fella seems to be a bit of a genius.

Though another thing about this chart I canā€™t help noticing is there seems to be a clear pattern that when a Democrat is in the White House the jobs created figure shoots up.

The party of Q and the party of Putin

American Politics is in despair.

Linda Ronstadt was warning people about Rupert Murdoch 39 years ago.

Some people still havenā€™t got it.

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Brian Clough got it too.

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Are you a racist? Do you hate Mexicans?


Iā€™m not a racist Joe but i hated Mexicans for a brief period in the summer of 94. I got over it though.

Enormous sweaty cunt interviewed by other enormous sweaty cunt

Looks like a bad day at the office for the unhinged right

Get with the programme mate

The Idaho Tribune is a paper of the highest repute

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Hard to argue with that.


The leader of the free world right there

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