US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


He’ll hardly run in 2024. Who would be next up for the Dems I wonder. Harris wouldn’t have a prayer. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hilary were to stick her oar in again next time.

Doubtful for fear of a deeper look into certain flight logs.

Asfutmsifwffutsh is Farsi for evil empire

True, I’d expect 2024 to be one of the dirtiest presidential elections in US history. The mid terms in November will tell a lot and be a report card of sorts for Joes tenure to date.

If Trump, Flynn and the rest are not indicted and convicted over this (and they won’t be because petrified liberals are constantly tiptoeing around them and appeasing them) goodbye any semblance of democracy in America.

They tried to fix the election last time and they will fix it any future time.

Roe v Wade overturned.

Place is going to fuck altogether.

Land of the free

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@Cheasty is going to have a kinipchen

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Sure we knew this six weeks ago bud.

A day after they ruled constitutional right to carry a gun in public.

Im no Nostradamus but I’d predict the lads who were experts in Covid, Ukraine, Boris Johnson are about to become experts in US constitutional law this evening.

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Between that and the covid thread. Whats the best wine with popcorn? I fancy a nice white tonight

A nice new world Riesling.

Strap in.

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Strong, emphatic judgment from the Supreme Court.

The much maligned Justice Kavanaugh has played a blinder. Great to see a strong, successful independent lady in Justice Amy Coney Barrett central to this decision too.

It was a crazy decision in the first place. Correctly overturned. So many innocent little babies will be given a chance at life now.




LGBT rights next.
Then religious rights of non-christians.
Then the big kahuna - segregation.

The GOP long game bearing awful awful fruit.

Grow up.

Seems to be a very popular decision around these e-parts.

As will the inevitable follow ons on those other subjects.

That’s the way it’s gone these days I suppose.

[quote="Piles_Hussain, post:3452,

The GOP long game bearing awful awful fruit.

Twould never work here. The wokes in the oireachtas committee would have mitch hauled in already

All out in the open now, no need for secrecy any more

Slavery next.

RBG’s legacy won’t exactly be what she wanted

That and Loving will have to wait until Clarence Thomas croaks, the rotten old cunt.

Edit: no they don’t. He’s in the minority for those votes.

Christ, that would be horrible and hilarious at the same time.