US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

You get the feeling the money men of fascism are slowly turning away from Trump and towards the “competent fascist” De Santis.

Ideal scenario would be if Trump permanently destroys De Santis in the primaries like he did to Cruz and the both of them are taken out for good.

A few more states have banned, or are very shortly planning to ban, abortion… Be around 14/15 states in total by Halloween and just before the midterms. Interesting few months ahead.

What a backwards kip

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All the disadvantaged / poor women travel for health care will be ripped off greyhound buses and arrested at the state border.

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I was talking about Tipperary


Funny Face Lol GIF


Christian fundamentalism is more of a threat to the United States than Islamic fundamentalism ever was.



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Oh My God Omg GIF

Has bill changed sides?


Biden pardoning all simple possession of marijuana offences. He really does seem to be making an effort to reform and save the country.

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yeah a real finger on the pulse moment there. all muricas problems will be solved overnight by pardoning the stoners


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That’s a really stupid response as usual, if you don’t mind my saying so.

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and you’re the one posting that pardoning stoners will fix America and you have the nerve to call my post stupid


‘save the country’