US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

:clap: well played

The lad dressed up as @Thomas_Brady and given a tour of the building by the capitol police was a clear and present danger to democracy.

According to TFK edgelords:
Some fella wearing a dress reading a storybook = a clear and present danger to the world
Armed mobs invading the Capitol building to try and overturn an election = grand

Em, OK.


By god.

There’s @Cheasty at 9.15 demanding that a peaceful protester be shot :rofl:

You have @Locke then fir 2 years shouting about an insurrection because he read about in the irish times and saw it on Six One news… No doubt he’ll claim the footage is all fake… Cause it doesn’t agree with his ‘sources’

That’s the sad left these days… Screaming for murder and claiming everything is fake :person_shrugging:t2:


The Sloganbots have sounded the klaxon.

I think “Irish Times” should be their March buzzphrase.

“Peaceful protestors” can be their April one.

It’s always April 1 in right wing fruit loop land.

The lads who were demanding in 2020 that the police should be defunded, courts abolished, and the prisons emptied are now arguing for locking lads up indefinetly for dressing up as a shaman and going for a walkabout.

By total concidence these are the same people that say a preteen boy who imagines himself as a girl should have his tackle cut off just in case it might be true.


Here’s a mad guess but I’d say this poster publicly identifies as a “moderate, sensible centrist Democrat”.

Hardly somebody in a good place to be accusing anybody else of living a lie. :grinning:

Let’s see, perhaps the “moderate, sensible, centrist Democrat” yarn has gone out the window with the new handle. :grinning:

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They were a murderous mob and would have murdered tons of people if they had murdered tons of people.

So in short, you’re saying to abolish the police and let mobs run wild? That’s mad, I thought youse lot were completely against that and now it turns out yis are for it.

Life comes at you fast, as they say.

Tonight on Tucker Carlson: The Munich Beer Hall Putsch was just good lads having a laugh.

As Dougal Maguire once said.

No that’s not what I said.

So you’re saying armed fascist mobs which attack and invade the parliament building in an attempt to illegitimately overturn the legitimate and fair result of a presidential election are extremely dangerous, and the full weight of the law should be used against the people who make up such armed, fascist, anti-democratic mobs?

The modern looney left.

Whist up. Was it fair when the Hunter Biden Laptop story was suppressed? Or the allegations of Russia’s involvement in getting Donald Trump elected turned out to be false?

Was Father Ted far right as well?

When did you decide to settle on the Hisenberg handle instead of the @ProjectX one?

Deflect when challenged, always the same old story for someone with a severe inferiority complex.

Mate, you say it’s important that women are protected from sexual predators.

So why are you a supporter of Donald Trump?

:joy: Where have I said I’m a supporter of Trump?

You’re so brainwashed your brain can’t contemplate nuance. Stick to the easy going champions league talk like a good lad.

You’re a vocal supporter of fascists in Ireland (some of whom are English - whichever ones can make it over for the weekend).

Have you ever heard from a vocal supporter of fascists in Ireland who is not an admirer of Trump?

I sure haven’t.

The notion that you or any other Trump lover gives a flying shit about protecting women is grimly hilarious.