US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

These two statements followed on this very thread.
They cannot both be true

tenor (39)

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There were protests all summer, the cops didn’t respond by shooting people regardless of their race or color. So his point is ridiculous. The cops are pretty good at restraint here unless there is serious violence.

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If its white lads you said it yourself.

A black lad got blown away for falling asleep drunk in his car.

White supremacists have just stormed capitol hill and it’s not a bother.

You should be ashamed of yourself


Aliens stormed it in 1996 in independence day. Will Smith put manners on them though.


Surprising enough fox news aren’t playing this down in the slightest. How has trump got such a hold on all those people? The only comparison in a western country I can think of where a single person held so much power in the last 100 years is genuinely Hitler :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You’re calling other people morons and you post that?
The response in Washington today was appropriate for the level of threat. The protesters should not have been allowed inside the Capitol building, but the cops were too outnumbered to stop them.
But continue trying to play the race angle, moron.

i wont accept that buddy but differant conversation so carry on

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The lads on cnn creaming themselves waiting for the 6pm curfew

This is a bit of a let down. News stations trying to hype it up but not much happening now.

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I presume the ‘his’ is me.

Thanks for the respect in responding you gobshite.

Surely a lot of fake news flying about. Shep said it while I had it on. No sources of the information just report

A man just walked through capitol building with a Confederate flag.

How would that make you feel if you werent a white supremacist.

You may not be able to answer that


Up da rebels. Mike Ashley is our sugar daddy boi

The usual offended by everything crew can’t handle the fact that this has been a peaceful protest. Something they say is their inalienable right!

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Donie O Sullivan on now

Offies are being robbed sure keep safe man

I didn’t say it was not a bother, they should have been allowed protest peacefully but not enter the Capitol building.

Also, stop lying about the black lad who was shot, it doesn’t help your point.