US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

CNBC reporting protesters are using chemical irratitants

The capitol of your country has just been stormed

I’m ok mate, thanks for the concern.

Rachael Maddow just referred to them as looters and rioters there.

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They weren’t black so there wasn’t a chance of that unfortunately.


Nail on the head.

The Yanks are a serious sort tbf

First time capitol has been breached since the Brits.

Are you proud of your president?

Shur ya can’t be at that lads

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Most of those burning down cities in the US all summer were white, how many were shot dead by cops?
How many were shot dead in Portland when they took over a good portion of the city center for weeks?

No wreaking blanch shopping centre with them

Unlikely they’d shoot their own families

Who are you talking to?

You’ve just validated his point you moron


The Oirish mafia breached it in 1960

Who’s point? Are you drunk again.

What’s your point?

A load of white lads burned down us cities and werent shot is what you said.
Validating his point.

You fucking moron.


The Puerto Rican’s did it in the 50s but it isn’t taught in US history