US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Pence is even more of a disaster than Donny T

Trump in a small bit of bother

Trump this and sleepy joe that! All distractions. The yanks have captured UFOs (UAPs). The congress hearings are fascinating watch

The President laying down the law

Nice enough story that but the chief whistleblower David Grutsch has been defrocked as an alcoholic mental patient who no longer works in the air force but instead as a real estate agent. He has no real evidence or is not a witness in person to anything but puts forth a he said she said series of events and when pushed for more information cites that he does not have clearance to go any further. He is a fantasist and a bull shitter. At the UFO hearings he brought along two acquaintances who happen to be two experts on the ā€˜Skinwalker ranchā€™ which cites wearwolves and dino beavers among the weird things happening at the ranch, and this place has been thoroughly debunked as being horse shit too. I was interested in the hearings but left totally deflated by who they heard testimony from and I think ultimately itā€™ll only set things in this area back years when these individuals are debunked on a wider basis.

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Yup debunked and discredited right out of the playbook to stop information from getting out. Tbh if waht he says is true, its utterly terrifying

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Iā€™d speak out about what i saw but i know rightly theyā€™d come after me


Safe to say itā€™s not true. Thereā€™s zero evidence. All the ā€˜evidenceā€™ just amounts to what people thought they saw. Everyone has a smartphone. If there was anything then someone would have it recorded.

Yes itā€™s possible that heā€™s been fake debunked to stop the story gaining credibility but do you believe that man if you listened to the roughly one hour of testimony? He sounds like a thorough bullshit artist to me and Iā€™ve seen my share of them to know. Personally I wouldnā€™t trust him as far as I can throw him. David Fravre on the other hand is a witness Iā€™m inclined to believe.

David Fravres video is incredible possibly the best evidence or false flag on the topic hard to argue with whatever it was, if not fake, is incredible whether it is a secert military program or the alternative

Look up David Fravres video on youtube, the thing is this was only visible in infrared i believe so smart phone or the naked eye couldnt pick it up

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X-Files Santa GIF by Sean Solomon

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Santa is an alien. Its the only reasonable explanation

Area 51 Aliens GIF by Sky HISTORY UK

Is he the pilot? There are people who properly investigate UFOs. 98% are easily explained. The other 2% canā€™t but that doesnā€™t mean the 2% are aliens. Just means they donā€™t know. With smartphones etc the word of mouth ā€˜proofā€™ should be treated with extreme suspicion.

Yeah hes the pilot and proof, as in most footage is somehow filmed on a nokia 3210 is shit. And your corrdct about the 2% unexplained doesnt necessarily mean its aliens. But its a great conspiracy theory if anything. That pilots footage is probably the best evidence that there is something but fuck knows what the explanation is

But years ago when there were no smartphones people were saying the UFOs were big large saucer shaped behemoths. Maybe the aliens upgraded or maybe people were telling porkies.

I say the latter. If they were so advanced in technology why would they be visible or stupid enough to crash. A dog can drive a tesla imagine what a couple hundreds of thousands of uesr more advancement could bring

Only dogs who are oncologists.


I see this Oliver Anthony guy is the new hero for the MAGA/Qanon crowd

His five minutes are up

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