US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

The Democrats do not work in the best interests of their own citizens. They have to go and they will go.

Illegals don’t have voting rights, Einstein.

Yeah, because it’s not as if giving illegals the right to vote is something the democrats wont try and do at all levels :roll_eyes:

I get to vote in municipal elections here in Sweden as a tax paying, legal resident, but not in general elections unless I become a citizen. It’s basically a vote on how my tax dollars are spent. Nothing wrong with it.

I know you’re not a big reader so I’ve cherrypicked the important bits so you can be a little bit more knowledgable, instead of relying on the fear candy of Fox to get your brain jollies everyday,

WASHINGTON – The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs jointly filed an amicus brief supporting the District of Columbia’s motion to dismiss a complaint challenging the expansion of voting rights in municipal elections to District residents who are noncitizens.

“The District’s decision to expand voting rights to all D.C. residents – who pay taxes, go to school, and work here – is a well-reasoned step forward. Now more residents can exercise their fundamental right to shape public policies that affect every aspect of their lives,” said Kaitlin Banner Deputy Legal Director of the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs.**

Illegals don’t pay taxes, my friend. I know this from having been an illegal immigrant in the U.S.

You’re tangled up in the sweet net of Murdoch’s fear-mongering again. Bless.

Illegal immigrants in the US pay billions in taxes.

You’re not getting it are you? I posted it as an example of the path the democrats will go down. Amnesty for illegals and all that goes with it. They will push for all voting rights, it’s one of the reasons they are allowing the outrageous border policy

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Funny how Republicans only ever want to deny voting rights to people.

Is every western country just an economic zone now? GDP goes up, is that the only metric for society now? Welcome to economic zone 17, enjoy the sights and sounds, which are very different from economic zone 16

Right wingers have been trying to turn countries into nothing but economic zones since time immemorial and then you moan when it doesn’t go exactly as you’d like. :joy:

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You’re posting this as this is fact. There is no evidence of this. Even if there was, they wouldn’t be able to get it through congress in a million years. This is not facts. What you are confusing facts with, are just fears.


Great to see Elon agrees with me. Importing voters.

There is much evidence this is what the Democrats want. The children of these immigrants, regardless, will be US citizens and which way will they vote? The democrats are importing a voting block, a massive one.

Also, just to add Joe Biden is a complete joke of a human. He’s senile now but he literally doesn’t recall his own opinions.

There always has been, and always will be illegal immigration to the U.S. It’s to this point in time, unstoppable. A wall won’t stop them. The coyotes will always find a way to bring them across. They’ll build tunnels, if they’re not using those of the cartels already. I have an Irish mate in the states. His children are almost adults. There’s no guarantee how those kids will vote, even if they will vote. One of your biggest issues is, you’re severely limiting where you get your news from. So, you’re exposed to this massive vortex of anti-immigration, anti-biden, pro-life, racist content. If you never become willing to step outside Fox, the cesspit twitter is and the autistic lad at the controls, you’re never going to see the big picture, but I’m fairly sure you don’t want to, as it suits your worldview. I read Fox. I read it for balance. It’s not news, as it purposely refuses to tell the whole story, in case it helps the Democrats…which is from a journalistic standpoint, shameful and makes any of it’s readers who read it’s content that are aware of this, wilfully ignorant.

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Have you seen the stats over the past 3 years? Blows previous years out of the water. It’s intentional. If you can’t admit that I don’t know what to tell you.

I skimmed the rest of your post as it’s the usual collection of liberal type propaganda/ cliches. I read the guardian/cnn/bbc etc daily, as I more or less despise ‘liberals’ these days, so as to ensure I see the regime news your type are consuming for onward transmission. The talking points are regurgitated with impressive conformity

Yankbrain is a terrible thing.

Republican candidate for US House claims Iowa school shooting is a false flag to distract from Epstein

Only the best people

I presume this means they’ll fire Trump too, because otherwise they’d be hypocrites? You couldn’t have that, like.