US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Show me the evidence, not of the numbers but the intent.

Mate get with the programme, the Jews are organising all this, it’s called the Great Replacement aka the Kerrigy plan, shure the dogs on the street know that.

It’s only the central consp…sorry fervent genuine sincerely held belief which unites the whole of right wing America.

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Proclamation of woman wearing a shower curtain at the GPO, August 2023

Look up the KERRIGY PLAN. This plan has been in existence for 30 years but we’re only seeing the surface of it now.

The Kerrigy Plan states that WE are all going to be overrun. THAT’S THE PLAN!!!

THEY want to annihilate the white people. What THEY’RE doing is they’re sending Muslims and every other colour into the white indigenous countries to dilute the white people so the Jews can take over but they’re using the Muslims to attack us on the streets right now. The Muslims are only here to turn our face from what is coming at us which is the Jews and the Muslims but they’re going to fight for them and they’re going to attack us on the street. They sent them here on purpose, so dee did.

What THEY want to do is to dilute the white race so the Jewish race and the Iraqi race can be the supreme race. They’re afraid of us. Now I don’t think any white race is more better than any other race, this is THEIR opinion, not ours. What they’re doing is, there’ll be no white people left in any country, not just Ireland, ANY country, it’s happening EVERYWHERE, in every indigenous white country, THEY are coming, with loads of men, to have INTERCOURSE with AAARE girls and there will never be another white child born.

Don’t expect any comment from the Yankbrain nutcases here.

Weeks before the 2020 election, Trump’s associate Roger Stone was talking with an NYPD cop about assassinating Congressmen @ericswalwell and Jerry Nadler, according to an audio recording obtained by Mediaite. "It’s time to do it. Let’s go find Swalwell. It’s time to do it. Then we’ll see how brave the rest of them are. It’s time to do it. It’s either Nadler or Swalwell has to die before the election. They need to get the message. Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with. I’m just not putting up with this shit anymore.” Stone said.

I love the relentless fear driven posting around non-white immigrants immigrating to a land that wasn’t white or christian in the first place. As an aside, the spiritual readings of the different native american tribes are far more fulfilling to me than the bible most republican voters claim to live by. Love thy neighbor is fine, as long as the neighbor isn’t a democrat, muslim or jew.

It’s mad the way the loonies like @Enrique and @Tierneevin1979 who try to style themselves as rugged individualists who are afraid of nothing are in reality gigantic pussies who collectively shite themselves at the mere thought of anybody who looks or thinks in anyway different from themselves.

Mad, I tells ya.

These lads fantasise about being Tony Soprano’s proverbial “strong, silent type” like Gary Cooper but they make Helen Lovejoy of The Simpsons look like Mick Lyons by comparison.


Are you living in the twilight zone or something? Or just receiving direct downloads from teen vogue?

The numbers are the best piece of evidence there is. Cold hard numbers and they are off the charts. 8m illegal immigrants between the three years 2021 - 2023 and 1.6m 2018 - 2020.

What else needs explained to you? That level of illegal immigration is intentional.

You also have prominent democrats talking about illegals voting rights for local and state elections. Not a huge hop, skip and a jump now is it? Go use the very special Google machine if you want to look up these proclamations.

Your posts below that are the usual cliche ridden barely disguised every country should be open borders nonsense.

Did somebody say “living in the twilight zone”? :joy:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1743036713914519619|twgr^8013bbad3b51da36331e0a6cce72770d40903ec5|twcon^s1_&


Yeah fox news have propagated 8m people crossing the border in three years. Can the misinformation priests step in somewhere for the love of God !

You are border obsessed, my friend. Maybe you should get into the border security industry. Work satisfaction rating could go through the roof!!

Lolz. It looks like this new House speaker Mike Johnson who has only been in the position a couple of months isn’t nihilistic enough for the Republicans, so they’re going to get rid of him.

It’ll end up at the stage where literally destroying the earth with the mother of all nukes will end up being the only position which isn’t denigrated by Republicans as being “RINO”.

Vote RFK Jr guys.

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He’s the new Ron Paul. Target market: Joe Rogan listeners in swing states who like steroids and spliffs and claim to be common sense centrist guys while at the same time having tremendous admiration for the “honour” of the Wehrmacht in World War II.

This Bill Ackman fella is some fucking child, like all right-wing pro-Israel nutcases. Happy to go after people on the basis of their skin colour and political orientation and shrieks like a baby when his wife is caught out doing far worse than the woman he brought down.

His wife copied and pasted from Wikipedia for her dissertation :joy:

Elon knows what’s happening. Hopefully he continues to highlight the naked corruption of the democrats.

Yet we are subject to gaslighting from lads with holes in their head that 8m illegal immigrants crossing the border is just a natural phenomenon, what can you do you know. Nothing to see here.

Has Mr. Blobby tweeted?

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Biden starting a war with texas. I don’t think any of us saw that coming

Matthew Mcconaughey Horns Up GIF by Texas Longhorns