US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


Trump has outed you.

I voted for Biden/Harris mate. Who did you vote for?

Too cold

Youā€™re a born liar.

They probably all roomed together in nuig

I hope nobody gets killed tonight because of Donald Trumps actions

Why couldnā€™t the cunts have let it go until Friday night. Inconsiderate wankers

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Dear Lord. They are trying to cancel objectivity

Incorrect, I am the foremost truth teller on TFK.

It isnā€™t even a contest. He hitches his wagon to the woke liberal bandwagon to appear enlightened but in reality he is just a stupid cunt. There are enablers on here that egg him on and in reality they are sniggering away to themselves into their Hauweis.

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Ah mate. Go on. Iā€™ll time you.

Who won the minors?


Log on under your real name

Youā€™ve had another productive day.


@POTUS sighting

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Donā€™t you have a very high opinion of yourself?

This is factually incorrect, and youā€™re still the dumbest cunt on this forum.

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Not true. Happened in 1954

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I have an extremely low opinion of you. Couldnā€™t be lower actually

I was there in 84. Does that count?