US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

President Trump has engaged the National Guard. The protesters have been told to go home.

Law and Order!

A post for the alright sort of year

Charlie needs to talk to his IPTV man. Cc @Copper_pipe

Ye Klare lads will do and say anything for ye’re hotel jobs.

Yes sir, no sir and sir if you please , is it up the ducks hole I stick the green peas?


Two cocktails for a tenner, they were always asking for it

Shots fired.

You’ve some fucking neck on you :rofl:

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Lads this would never have happened if the 2016 election wasn’t rigged. We all know Joe Exotic should have won

I’d say you’re beaming tonight

Disappointing but all too predictable to see the Trump enablers resort to such a level of pettiness. It might have be a step to far that they might take their pummelling with the grace and dignity they are so renowned for


**Dictators ride to and fro on tigers from which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry." - Winston Churchill

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They’re all outing themselves tonight despite not being brave enough to do it up to now.


This place needs edgelords, mate.
No, sorry. Not edgelords, truthtellers.

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The people of Doonbeg ain’t seeing their grandkids on Skype or zoom from Canada thanks to President Trump. It was Noonan who rolled out the set dancers and red carpet for him

I fucking love this photo


Wolf Blitzer want the cops to bust a few heads open :grin:

By god Donie is lorrying it into Trump