US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Coveney got a mention there on CNN, heā€™ll be delighted with that

Iā€™m telling you , Pence will be president before the week is out

I started making my own garlic chips and cheese and all

They should leave a revolver and a bottle beside trumps bed tonight

Freedom fries

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He wouldnā€™t have the balls

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Leo will be seething stealing his spotlight

I know a now former Garda who was there that night. He said the Cameras didnā€™t get half of what they did to the English. He said they fucking wore it off them.


With a liberty burger

What would a draft dodger know about handling guns?

His only policy is ā€œIā€™m not Trumpā€ although itā€™s a definite step up on Trumps only policy ā€œI am Trumpā€

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Leo hasnā€™t tweeted mate. Relax.

Point and shoot. Heā€™d figure it out

Sure them hooligans were bate up and down Europe following their clubs. Can you imagine the German or Italian forces dealing with them?

Incredible leadership from Pelosi


Itā€™s soul destroying to see so many here with tds. Forgive them Lord fo r they know not what they do.

Democracy will win
