US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Loud noises

An awful pity this wasn’t a Saturday night

The revolution isn’t even over yet, don’t be mocking it.

This is as sad as the Galway posters changing their avatars

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Be thankful. Tfk would be gone by dawn on the Sunday

Tends to happen in the US alright doesn’t it, be interesting to see

If you were angry. Bored. White, very, very stupid and feeling better than everyone what would you do as you watched capitol being stormed?

Jesus that was gas :laughing:


Get ma gunnns

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First time hes ever been at a podium

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Is that your man from Jamiroquai?

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Oh jaysus @Sidney!

To twitter…

It was so cute

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Amd they changed them back before throw in.

Kind of like this revolution

Limerick lads circling the wagons for some bizzarre reason

Like the lady who came to a revolution and turned back when they sprayed a bit of mace, that’s the Galway lads for you

Things are wild enough tonight kid. Save your card. You dont need to play it yet

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Pence tried to remove Trump :thinking:

Genuine question alert: what do the trump fans think is so bad about Joe bidens policies?

I’m wired out of my mind on garlic fries

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I’m close to calling this as handbags and nothing will happen of note tonight.

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