US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

It seems probable now that it was in fact ANTIFA who instigated the trouble today.

Why would I be banned? It is my sworn duty to expose morons like you.

Iā€™ve been out drinking with Donie a few times, heā€™s half mad

Shameful to tweet Law and Order one day and then expose ones very own Law and Order officials to this the next day. Theres a few Trump defenders on here owe the Police of The United States of America an apology for his shameful treatment of them today

Thereā€™s a video up on YouTube which clearly shows her being shot. Only a teenager Iā€™d say.

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The far right are waiting for Tucker to give them their cue, any minute now

Maybe he might name those demagogues who have been saying political violence over the last 6 months.

No, heā€™s saying the cabal that committed election fraud are responsible for the womanā€™s death. She was an ordinary American, not like those pasty nihilist Antifa thugs (who apparently are not ordinary Americans), and wouldnā€™t have been in DC today if it wasnā€™t for election fraud.

Some cunt.

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Yep, standard Tucker tucker. Everyone else must learn in order to placate all those who have been duped by a con-man.

The likes of Tucker making gomey rural simpletons like the unhinged Trump enablers on here sound intelligent to one another is a massive part of the problem

Leftist violence.

Rubio just made shit of Tucker there


TFK loveheart Tucker has some fruitcake on quantifyling todays events with loyalist terrorism now, tucker nodding away in agreement

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Mark Steyn is a funny guy

Dr Victor David Hanson freaking out here on Trumps behalf

Tucker openly nodding in agreement with self proclaimed terrorists here

Important a population reminds politicians who they work for.

People just want to see votes counted. Only commies would be against that.

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Having stoked the flames to get here now Tucker is concerened about where we go from here. There are millions of muddled minds at stake that only he can help, nothing to do with making millions.